Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Beginning's

A dear friend told me recently that they are now living their life by "going with the flow". At first I couldn't grasp the idea. I love the adventure, I love the thrill of not knowing what lies ahead, but I didn't really get what they meant by it. However, the proof was in the friend. This theory has worked quite well for them as of late, and they are...happy.

Brilliant. Well then. It is time for me to change as well.

Minutes ago, I watched the trailer for the upcoming movie "Eat Pray Love" with Julia Roberts and I related instantly. I have such a desire to travel and to meet people, and considering I am in France, I have to take advantage of that. It has been fantastic so far, but you hit bumps. You hit hard times. Obstacles are everywhere. It is what makes you...you.

I have been away from home now for 3 months without seeing family or friends; Skype doesn't nearly count.

The past few days, I no longer sleep. I have hit my obstacle. Its amazing how much you can think at night when the world stops moving. News from a friend of mine really hit home. I have been thinking non stop about what I want. Me, as a person, not for those around me. I am 21 damn years old and I have so much more to do. I have so much more to see, more people to meet and damn good memories to build.

The movie trailer says "Have you lost touch...with who you are?". I have not given myself even a 2 week window in my life without being consumed by the people around me. I have never really been alone. Although personal, I have always had someone since I was 15. Now, its time for me.

I am going to risk everything. Travel the world relentlessly and just let myself...go.

I will eat, pray and love. A quote said "If you got rid of all the space in your mind, you would have a doorway and the universe would come rushing in". Well BRING. IT. ON.

So screw this. Screw those that hold me back. I refuse to let that weigh me down anymore. I am going to live my life, and laugh and smile the whole goddamn way.

"Going with the flow" may not be my new life motto, but it will come to me as I travel I'm sure. For now it will be "Eat, Pray, Love". I am leaving on Thursday for 3 weeks. I will be travelling through Germany, Spain, Italy and Belgium. I cannot wait.

I have no idea what to expect, other than to expect the fabulousness of Europe. I promise myself to take risks, to eat well, drink wine, take too many pictures, dance my head off, and to laugh harder than ever before.

Being happy has never been so clear in my life !

Can't wait to keep you posted. Wish me luck.

Love you all back home xoxo

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