It's official. I am all better again.
I went back to the doctor's on Friday to get my final "check-up" on my collarbone, which two weeks ago wasnt even remotely healed. And since I went to Belgian Sensation AND Dublin in between there, I was not very optimistic that it would be good to go.
However, the doctor checked me out, pressed hard as hell on my bones to see if they would move (like what would he have done if they did shift, honestly?) and said that I no longer needed the brace :)
As Barney from How I Met Your Mother would say: WADDDDDDDUPPPPPPPPP
Pretty much I was on cloud nine. It was 7 weeks to the day and I was so damn sick of that thing. I mean, it was hidden and all but still, I wanted to sleep on my side again, the whole "sleep on your back and don't move thing" doesn't work for a starfisher in bed. I move constantly. And constantly paid for it the next morning.
And I'm not gonna lie, wearing all my clothes again. Thank god it was 'cold' weather and all and I could wear sweaters and such, but since its nice weather time now, more sunshine, I was eager for dresses and tshirts and the whole 'brace football player look' is not it this spring.
Even went for a run two days ago, and both the ankle AND collarbone hung in there. Finally. Its official. I'm a free bird. A braceless pigeon as Maggie now calls me. Either way. Amen.
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