The day came. We had slept in due to the fact we went to bed late the night before, but that was fine. We would do some work during the day and the bus was leaving at 6. We had to be there for 5:30. Well the day wasn't quite as productive as planned, and the time came so damn fast. Laura and I just powered through getting ready starting at about 430pm, and Cally and Paddy were coming over at 5. We looked fantastic. One by one Paddy, Cally and Laura came out and showed off their outfits. Sensational - no pun intended. But really - it was so cool.
We walked to the train station where the bus was picking us up and that is when the night officially began. We began to see other people dressed in white coming and soon enough there was a nice crowd of us. Now...we just need the bus. Of course the bus ended up being an hour late, however in the process we met a group of guys who quickly became the highlight of our nights. Ridiculously crazy. We hung out with them jamming to some music outside and then finally....THE BUS! Off to Hasselt, Belgium! We get on, get some spots, but the guys that we were talking with before came up to get us saying we had to sit back with them - cool; sounds good to us. Now we were ready to go. Of course not. In France for every 45 minutes the bus driver drives they receive a 30 min break. Right. Not in Canada - get your ass driving mister! I wanna go to sensation! We popped our bottle of 167 before the bus started and we were off! Little did we know we were about to start one of the most epically crazy nights yet.
The guys in front of us were loud, in your face, picture crazy and just loving every second of it. Everyone had drinks open and it quickly became an open bar passing bottles around left right and centre. Super. Sanitary. I tried not to think too much about it. We must have taken 300 picture on the bus alone before even getting to the event. Now a little bit more of the guys from in front of us: (1) blow out guido (2) picture babay (3) tongue rings. I really don't know where these guys are from, but I think its a ritual when you are 18 you get your tongue pierced. All of 8 guys ALL had their tongue pierced. And loved taking picture of them. Epic. People watching at the best of times.
Of course guido blow out (who must have had 12 pounds of gel in his hair and sunglasses from Claire's), who was amazing by the way, but funny, anyways he thought the bus was quiet (not even close) so he gave the bus driver his phone to plug in his tunes. Blasted that shit for the entire world to hear I'm pretty sure. So we're driving and we have had a good chunk of alcohol at this point and I need to pee. Cally said it was a 30 minute bus ride so we had been given'r. Like really taking advantage of our time. Turns out it is a 2.5 hour bus ride. Thankfully our bus driver stopped twice...not for bathrooms but for us all to buy more smokes and alcohol. Right. You are amazing sir. Our tour guides were abercrombie and fitch models I'm pretty sure because everyone was posing with them. I mean they were quite nice on the eyes. The second best part, we met another Canadian on the bus! Andrew was from Edmonton and brave enough to venture alone on this rave adventure. We all partied it up on the bus together and ended up sticking together the whole night with our group.
By the time we all get there everyone is loving life, all bottles are empty and I have mentally worked myself up for this 30,000 person, 9 hours of dancing, all white rave. I can do this. Damn right we can. But I have to say we didn't want to get off the bus - it was the craziest bus ride of our lives and the night hadn't even started yet. Go figure. We get out of the bus and I can't even believe it. A sea of white. I had never seen anything like it. Incredible really. We get in, and there is this bed. "Ooooo what is that for!?" TAKING PICTURE OF COURSE! Yes yes yes, we jump in line and there we are. Cally, Laura, Paddy, Andrew and myself. Best. Picture. Ever. Of course it didn't look that good on the first attempt; pretty sure it just got our legs we were so high on the bed, but the second shot is sensational - no pun intended.
Now - rave time. We walk in and you lose your breath it is so gorgeous. A sea of white people, the enormous set (shaped as a butterfly with wings) and the music just pumping through to your core. Amen. Why have I never done this before!? We held hands like kindergarden students and snaked our way to the front of the stage. Insane. Everyone fist pumping like the jersey shore and high on life (and other things I'm sure). This is where I received my epic scar of the night. First I should let you know that you can smoke inside. Absolutely. Picture that, at least 20,000 people lighting up around you, music pumping, and fist pumping. No need for a smoke machine when you have personal machines all around you. So my story: a very nice gentleman beside me was smoking, duh, and just dropped his cigarette. Well turns out my arm was right underneath him - super - and it landed right on me. Friggggg was the absolute PG version for that one. That crap hurts. So my skin has this super hot scar now, that I can tell my kids I got at a 30,000 person rave...not a bad story actually. Maybe I'll wait until they are older for that one...
Either way the rest of the night quickly became a blur of drinks, people, pizza, crap burgers and fist pumping. We kept switching from dancing on the floor to a seated area (like an arena) so you could stand up on staged levels, but if you wanted to sit you could. Brilliant really. Sitting is deadlly though. This night went from 9pm to 6am. You sit, your adrenaline slows and your ass is asleep. Laura was quick to get me back up as she saw the eyelids shutting at one point. I was back up in no time.
We danced all night, took tiny breaks for water and food and were back at it. The bathroom was the other funny part. We were all too cheap to buy water (which was an arm and a leg), so we ventured to the bathroom to drink from the tap. Don't judge. It was cold, and it was anywhere from 2-6am. We needed water ASAP. The girls you saw in there however, were our pick-me-ups. The highest heels you have ever seen (cough, cough, dumbass), white bikinis, or the best one I saw...a nurse's halloween costume. Right on.
I have to say thus far, Europe has been a 10/10 on people watching. Never get tired of it. Ever.
Just as the night was packing up, we witnessed the most hilarious gay-battle off of two men dancing. One was shirtless and the other was more inner bubble dancing. Maybe they were trying to impress each other? It was fantastic. An absolute blast. We danced with them and were just having a ball. Sooner than expected 6am rolled around and the place was closing down. I couldn't believe we actually survived it. It was amazing though. We wobbled our asses back to the bus and found our seats again. Of course we stopped for french fries as a 7am snack before the bus took off. Not the greatest, but hey, it was the first "real" food we had had since 4pm the day before. No complaints here. Not even two minutes into driving home we were out cold.
The walk back home to our apartment was fantastic at 9:30am, as people are staring at us wondering where we were coming from. The answer: Sensation Belgian Wicked Wonderland Biatch.
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