Sunday, February 7, 2010

How old am I?

Either I feel like I'm 2 years old...or 90. It changes daily really.

My roommates have been fantastic really. They have helped me with my brace, getting changed, making me food and the whole shabang really. Hence why I am either 2 of 90. Today I felt like I was 90. I can't do anything. And trust me, showering with one hand is insanely hard. There should be a how-to book on that crap.

I have been at home for a week now, just rockin the movie marathon mode. Specifically: Grey's Anatomy. It all started when I first arrived in Lille; Elena had given me most of the fourth season to watch and I blew through that in a couple days. Since I was home alone for a while, I did the adventure thing during the day and the grey's thing at night. Quite the balance.

But needless to say I was addicted quite quickly. And ironically enough, as I watched the first two seasons it matched my mood this week. Quite impressive really. Everything from karma, to love, to you name it - it was dead on. Great show. I feel like I am 90 again. The highlight of my day is a cup of tea and this show.

Now that I have been in solitary confinement for a week now, I'm ready to break out.

I mean don't get me wrong, not leaving the apartment for a week has been great and I have rather enjoyed being lazy, but I am exhausted. How is that possible? You become exhausted doing nothing. I feel 90 again - crap. And then again, I am watching anxiously as the third season of grey's anatomy downloads. I just hope my internet holds and it freaking goes faster. God its taking forever.

So nothing too thrilling to report at this time. Clearly I'm still waiting for the hospital bill - should be a doozie. I'll frame it maybe. And when this is all said and done, or healed, whatever, I am going to hang my braces in the kitchen (not actually) as a nice reminder of limits.

I know my limits. ha. good one.

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