Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Doesn't Everyone Love Packing?

The answer is no. I hate packing. I don’t know what it is about it but I can’t do it. I love unpacking, but hate packing. Which doesn’t make too much sense. Packing gives the sense that you are moving forward to something new and exciting and yet I dread it every single time.

This time was no different. I had over 7 months of Europe to pack into 2 suitcases. Funny? I’m not joking. Is that even possible? Considering both of my bags were overweight in the first place COMING to Europe, they would be a struggle to get home. But I had to do it. Moving to Berlin had been a challenge enough and we all know how that ended up: 3 bags, a backpack and a computer bag. And I had sent a box home.

The moral of this story: I had too much stuff and not enough space for it.

So when Petey and I started this quest for packing, you should have seen the place. Clothes EVERYWHERE. It looked as if maybe 4 people lived there, and alas, there was 2 of us, although I think my possessions may have dominated just a bit.

The goal was to send one suitcase home and to bring home only 1 suitcase, my backpack and computer bag. Totally do-able. Right? This was going to be hard.

We got to packing and somehow we managed to make it work. I sent home one suitcase weighing 30kg (approx. 70 pounds) and keeping my other suitcase under 20kg. RyanAir regulations, when I would fly to Spain I could not have more than 20kg although flying back to Canada I can have up to 23kg. So. Many. Rules.

In the end, I sent home 3 boxes from Berlin, managed to get my suitcase to under 20kg and sent home a suitcase weighing 30kg.

I knew my parents would be thrilled receiving those.

But it was done. I managed to fit my life of the past 7 months. How? I have no idea.

Needless to say…I’ll be unpacking for a long time to come.

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