Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The adventure of the juggler and the old man


a) I live in a beautiful quaint little city
b) there are a crap load of people
c) everyone here is beautiful

So my first day, I wake up to knocking on the door. What? I'm home alone, disoriented and getting my butt out of bed at 2pm. At the door was my roommate Elena! I had no idea she was arriving so soon - I couldn't believe it. My first day and I am meeting my roommate; she was supposed to come in five days, so I was shocked. Her boyfriend Ivo too. Great people. We chatted and ventured to the carre-four that day. Got myself some things to decorate the room with, not to mention some sheets, comforters, lamps and candles. Perfect. Home sweet home.

It was really quite the perfect day. We ended up going to get some chinese food for dinner and everything was a fairytale. Walking downtown this gorgeous old French city, and feeling like I have been here the whole time. Amazing feeling. I love it. "High on life" then and there became my saying for the trip.

The next day was Elena's birthday and her and Ivo were venturing to Belgium. I was alone again, but really excited to walk around and take some photos. We had walked through this big open space the night before on our way to the restaurant with big museums and water fountains. I wanted to find that again. So i ventured. And amazingly enough, I found it.

Super pretty day, overcast, but still sunny. Sort of chilly, but not too bad. It was nice. I come into the open space and I see a juggler and an old man taking his picture. Now when I say old, I mean 70. Super cute, honest to goodness old man. As I walked by he asked if I could take his picture, of course, so I took a couple with him and the juggler and asked if they were okay. He saw that I had a camera so suggested he take a picture of me and the juggler. Absolutely. The juggler and I had some laughs as he tried to teach me how to juggle and I was as I mentioned...."high on life".

The old man suggested that the three of us grab a coffee since it was cool outside, and naturally in France we are surrounded by coffee shops everywhere. Sure, why not. We ended up at this dive looking place on the outside and the amazing interior was 50's hollywood movie themed. We had a beer, a roast beef meal, creme brule for dessert and I sat there listening to stories of how the old man was married for 40 years with 8 grandkids and the juggler was a thriving chef wanting to catch his break.

Then and there the old man became Jean Pierre and Maxime. More than just people I met. They were my first French experience.

To end the most amazing day, we had a ferris wheel that was set up in the city centre. It was gorgeous, old and drew me right in. I figured if I didnt go on right then and there, I would miss my chance and never be able to go. I payed by 4 EUR and got on. Probably the world's most unsafe ferris wheel of life, but that was okay. I snapped away with my photos and drew it all in. The cold air on my face, the downtown lights and the people walking underneath.

The most picturesque moment to say the least.

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